Friday, July 13, 2007

Pokemon Palace

this is a picture of the pokemon gang!!! i just love pokemon!! in fact, i've beaten almost all of my pokemon video games; not the best thing to brag to all of your friends, but its something isn't it? anyway my top 10 favorite pokemon are 1.pikachu ; 2. meowth; 3.swampert; 4.charizard; 5.rapidash; 6.shadow lugia; 7.espeon; 8.umbreon; 9.togepi; 10.ditto... awsome aren't they? well of course if you're not a pokemon fan you're probably asking yourself what the heck these creatures are. well as i said before, these creatures are pokemon and they rock and rule!!!!


emily1217 said...

My top ten pokemon are 1. Togepi, 2. pichu, 3. Pikachu, 4. Togetic, 5. Squirttle, 6. Igglybuff, 7.Psyduck, 8.Chancy, 9. lovedisc, 10. mudkip. I know I might not have spelled them right. But who cares? I DON'T!!!!!

emily1217 said...

well emily i hope the japanese pcreators don't get you... mwhahaahahhahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahh!!!!!!!!!!!! hhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [hicup]